Turning Rules and Consequences into
Growth Opportunities
Tuesday, March 18th 6:00 PM MST

Homeward Bound Early Intervention

Does This Sound Like You?

“I’ve always felt like I was a good parent, but my youngest son has certainly got me wondering. I question a lot of things these days. Why are things so much harder with him than with my other kids? Am I being realistic with my expectations? Should I just let go and let him make the decisions? Are the consequences I give him reasonable? Am I just worn out?

“I’ve read books, taken him to a couple of different therapists, and still nothing seems to help. I don’t know where to go from here. What we really need is for someone to sit in our home and see what’s happening. I know I don’t do it all right. I just don’t have any other ideas. I want specific help on how to deal with these behaviors and demands. I want my spouse and I to be on the same page. We are all in this mess together, and we all need some help.”

We Are Here to Help.

Dr. Thayne Explains the Need for Early Intervention

Like This Parent, You Might Be Asking

What’s really going on with my son/daughter?

What about my other kids? Is this permanently damaging them?

Are my expectations and consequences unreasonable?

Our parenting styles are so different. Will we ever be unified?

Is it worth the fight or should I just let it go?

Is this just the new norm for teen behavior?

Our Early INtervention Success

Our experience is that “outpatient therapy” is simply insufficient for many struggling teens. They resist being seen as “the problem,” feeling like mom and dad should be willing to own up to the part they play. In addition, they aren’t that fond of talking with a stranger in an office setting for a prescribed 50 minutes per week. They’d much rather chat with someone in their home, take a walk, or talk over FaceTime.

Our Early Intervention model brings an experienced, down-to-earth coach to you. We take time up front to really understand what’s going on from all sides, and then create and implement a solid plan for moving forward. We’ll connect with your teen in their world, through methods they appreciate, in order to mentor and coach them in making personal and relational changes in the months ahead. And we’ll be there for you as well – not just once a week, but also when things arise between appointments.

Call now for the specifics. You’ll come to understand why Early Intervention has become a popular option for families with troubled teens.

Call Us Now to See How We May Help

Our GIfts To You


That change is possible and help for your unique situation does exist.


For what to expect from your teen, yourself, and the months ahead.


For rules, consequences, privileges, and how to respond when things don’t go as planned.


With a coach to help you stay steady in difficult moments.


To lead from the front in healing and strengthening your family.


Stamina found in the accountability and validation from those who have gone before.