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Kelly Olson Invitation, Not Manipulation
Homeward Bound's Kelly Olson talks about invitations, that they are the key to getting your teen to act, and how they differ from manipulation and force.

Kelly Olson Pause Before Saying No
Homeward Bound's Kelly Olson teaches about the benefit of stopping to think before saying no to your teen.

Leah Abrusci Moving Past Guilt
Homeward Bound coach Leah Abrusci shares how learning, growing and making mistakes are all part of the parenting process.

Leah Abrusci Resume of Failure
Homeward Bound coach Leah Abrusci explains how creating your resume of failure can help you and your teen.

Lyle Nelson Tackling Challenges
Homeward Bound coach Lyle Nelson shares a tip on how to approach some of the challenges you'll face as your teen transitions home from treatment.

Marina Voron Building Your Home Team
Homeward Bound coach Marina Voron describes how she helps families go about creating their home team.

Marina Voron Managing Sibling Conflict
Homeward Bound coach Marina Voron shares a tip to help you manage and stay out of sibling rivalries!

Matthew Hendry Nurturing the Relationship
Homeward Bound's Bryan Zitzman shares a story about how really listening to what your teen is asking for can improve your relationship.

Meredith Mcgarvey Navigating Conflict Using Curiosity
Homeward Bound coach Meredith McGarvey talks about how curiosity is a powerful tool to manage conflict with your teen.

Meredith Silversmith Working Through Disagreements
Homeward Bound coach Meredith Silversmith shares a tip on how to work through disagreements you may have with your spouse or co-parent around parenting your teen.

Shari Murray Consequences Or Teaching
Homeward Bound coach Shari Murray shares a different way to look at when you should teach your teen vs when you should give a consequence.

Shari Murray Creativity with the Home Team
Homeward Bound coach Shari Murray shares how you can be creative with building and engaging your home team.

Sonya Rodriguez Plan for Moving Forward is about the Relationship
Homeward Bound coach Sonya Rodriguez talks about how to frame the plan you create for moving forward with your relationship with your teen after out-of-home treatment.

Tara Dewitt Lean In to Your Home Team
Homeward Bound coach Tara Dewitt talks about facing challenges directly and how moving through your discomfort will help you succeed in building your home team.

Tara Dewitt See Your Move Before You Make It
Homeward Bound coach Tara DeWitt talks about the importance and power of visualization and how it can play a part in your teen's transition home.

Allison Posell Check Your Filter
Homeward Bound coach Allison Posell talks about how your teens actions might not be what they seem to be, be curious, get the facts, you might be surprised.

Allison Posell Consistency with the Plan
Homeward Bound coach Allison Posell shares an example of how powerful and important it is to be consistent in your relationship with your teen as they transition back home from treatment.

Allison Posell Slow Things Down
Homeward Bound coach Allison Posell shares how slowing down can help you as you navigate challenging situations with your teen.

Carolyn Brown Trigger Turnaround
Homeward Bound coach Carolyn Brown talks about ways your teen tries to push your buttons and how you can manage that.

Danielle Andrews Curiosity Creates New Patterns
Homeward Bound coach Danielle Andrews shares how to be curious in your relationship with your teen and the impact that that can have.

Ed Callahan Not Taking Blame for Our Kids Failures
Homeward Bound coach Ed Callahan talks about how important it is not to take responsibility for your teens choices.

Ed Callahan What Privileges to Give Back
Homeward Bound coach Ed Callahan talk about how normal it is to question what privileges you should restore to your teen after treatment and gives some guidelines for different situations.

Emily Pfizenmayer Hesitant About the Home Team
Homeward Bound coarch Emily Pfizenmayer talks about the power of the home team and how to overcome your hesitation in creating one.

Emily Pfizenmayer Supporting Sobriety
Homeward Bound Coach Emily Pfizenmayer explains how you can support your teen's sobriety during transition.

Jamee Mack Be Curious About What's Underneath
Homeward Bound coach Jamee Mack talks about the importance of looking beyond what you see on the surface as challenges arise with your teen.