They're Coming Home: How to Maintain
Momentum After Treatment.
Tuesday, April 29th 6:00 PM MST

Tell Us About Your Teen/Young Adult

There are a number of factors that go into answering this question. Some of the variables obviously have to do with your son/daughter. But since you’re the one filling out the survey, we’ll stick to the ones that pertain to you as the parent. No family is perfect, so be honest and transparent. Your answers will be kept completely confidential.

In addition, while answering the questions, take note of the topics that you did not feel as well prepared in. Knowing what areas to focus your efforts on will help you feel a sense of purpose and order, which can help reduce anxiety about the transition ahead.

Let's Get Started

Step 1 of 11 - Question 1

1.) Our family culture is flexible, supportive, and continually open to improvement.