Young Adult Transitions
“Parenting has always had its challenges. There were definitely moments where I caught myself thinking how nice it will be when all of our kids are graduated and on their own. I just assumed that process would happen naturally, like it did for us. But now, it’s almost harder than parenting teenagers.
“I’ve talked to friends for advice, but that only seems to add to the confusion. Some tell me, ‘Just kick him out. He’ll figure it out.” Others remind me that everyone matures at their own pace. Sometimes I even wonder if we are perpetuating the problem because of what we are still doing for him.
“And do I have the right to expect anything from him now that he’s an adult and out of high school? What about alcohol and drugs and sexual behavior? Am I to just keep my mouth shut? I love and want to help him succeed. I’m just not sure how to go about doing that anymore.”

Listen to the Stories of Three Families
Like This Parent, You Might Be Asking
Do I just let him do his own thing until he figures it out?
Can’t we insist on a curfew?
Do I continue to pay for her phone, gas for the car, etc.?
What about drinking? How do we control that?
Should I require him to work while going to school?
Is she ever going to be capable of complete independence?
Our Young Adult Transition Services
There’s no question that transitioning into adulthood is challenging…for both parents and young adults. As a parent, you want to help but sometimes your methods seem to make matters worse. As a young adult, you want to be independent and feel capable, but sometimes you make mistakes and leave your parents wondering if there should more supervision, not less. Tension builds, arguments become more frequent, and relationships start to crumble.
Neither of you want this, yet it’s awkward to step out of the cycle and approach things differently. Maybe that’s where you find yourselves right now. You could either be under the same roof, or in an independent living situation, but you’re all trying to figure out next steps and how to improve relationships.
Either way, our goal is to help you each approach things differently – in a way that honors your need to move toward increased independence as an adult, and at the same time respects your boundaries and rights as a parent.
We’re confident that you’ll appreciate the down-to-earth nature of our coaches. They’re experienced enough to provide solid guidance, and yet young enough to relate to you, as a young adult.
Call us to see how we can tailor our services to meet your needs.
Our Gifts to You as a Parent:
That things will work out and your young adult will launch successfully.
For what to expect from your young adult, yourself, and the months ahead.
With boundaries and privileges that promote a smooth transition into adulthood.
With a coach to help you stay steady in difficult moments.
That you know how best to support a young adult, especially this one.
Stamina in consistently using your new skills during this stage.

Growing Up Is Tough
“I wish my parents would just relax. They want me to have everything figured out, but how am I supposed to know what I want to do for the rest of my life? I just want to enjoy life a little while I’m still young and don’t have a bunch of responsibilities to deal with. I know they care, I just wish they would back off and let me do my thing instead of forcing a plan for my life.”
Like This Young Adult, You Might Be Asking
Should I have everything figured out by now?
How can I get my parents to relax?
What if I’m not ready to go to college? What if I don’t even want to go?
Is there any harm in using stimulants to help me in school?
When is it okay to ask for some help with money?
Our Gifts to You as a Young Adult:
That your parent(s) can appropriately let go and support your decisions.
For what to expect from yourself, your parents, and the months ahead.
With boundaries and privileges that will promote a successful transition into your next phase.
Knowing you have a coach you can trust to help you and your parents in this new relationship.
In your ability to launch into life… whether it be on the job, in college, or with a new trade.