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How to Build a Supportive Home Team

Raising a teenager can feel lonely, especially when they struggle with mental health issues, substance abuse, behavioral problems, or other difficulties. When it comes to raising children, we’ve all heard the phrase: “It takes a village” and it’s no different when your babies and toddlers turn into teenagers. Those teen years are hard to navigate, but having a supportive home team community can help lighten the load and strengthen everyone in the process. 

The secret weapon is otherwise known as an engaged home team (support from all types of people in you or your child’s life). Here are three important tips to building a solid home team for your family:

  1. Get at least one team member. 
  2. Be vulnerable. 
  3. Look for opportunities to serve. 

Everyone (including your child) deserves to have a strong support system that has their back no matter what. When your teenagers feel loved and supported even through their most difficult trials, they are more likely to become successful, productive members of society as adults. 

Building a home team from scratch can seem intimidating at first. That’s totally normal—it’s a vulnerable position to be in, and you don’t want to feel like you’re putting anyone out by asking them to be a part of your tight-knit community. However, reaching out to others is the first and most important step you’ll take in the process. Just remember that you’re not alone in this, and there are people who want to help you. Trust us, we’ve been there too. 

Find At Least One Team Member 

The first thing you’ll want to do to build your home team community is to get as least one team member. Moving from zero to one team member can make a greater difference than growing from two to fifteen. It may seem daunting to find even one person you trust enough to confide in, but it’s so important to have someone in your corner. Once you have that one person, it becomes easier to find more.

When you’re looking for your first team member, look for someone who knows and cares about your child. It’s important for them to be invested in your child’s wellbeing, and you should be able to trust them completely. Having even one extra person in your corner can make a world of difference! 

Be Vulnerable 

It is important to be vulnerable with people you can trust. You don’t have to open up to just anyone though—it’s a difficult process and opening up to the wrong person could cause more harm than good in the long run. 

Being vulnerable can be scary, but it will help you build stronger relationships with the people on your home team. They’ll be able to understand you and your child better, and they’ll be more willing and able to offer helpful advice when you need it. It can be difficult to open up about what’s going on in your life or in your child’s life, but it’s worth it to build those trusting relationships. When we’re vulnerable with others, they are more likely to be vulnerable with us, which ultimately cultivates a stronger sense of community. 

Look for Opportunities to Serve 

One of the best ways to build a supportive home team community is by looking for opportunities to serve on another’s home team. There are a few reasons for this. First, serving on someone else’s home team can help you understand people better on your own home team. You can know exactly where they’re coming from, how they might be feeling, and how you can better support them. Second, serving others always elevates your life. The time you spend serving others is time well spent, and you never know how you could impact someone’s life for the better. 

People are wired to love. Without giving back and providing service to somebody else, our life is not very meaningful. So look for ways that you can help out on someone else’s home team. It will lighten your load, lighten their load, and elevate everyone involved.  

If you are struggling to build a home team or don’t know where to start, reach out to us. We would be more than happy to chat with you about your unique situation and offer our support. 

Building a supportive home team community is essential in navigating the teenage years. Who will you include on your home team?

If you would like to hear more about this topic, you can listen to the Not by Chance Podcast on the Apple Podcast app, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts.

4 thoughts on “How to Build a Supportive Home Team”

  1. The father of tragic Molly Russell has warned parents to beware of a popular AI chatbot website that ‘mocks’ teenagers who have depression and suicidal thoughts.

    Character.AI – which has 20 million users and is on the brink of a major deal with Google – allows users as young as 13 to interact with a range of chatbots, each with their own personality.

    But a Mail on Sunday investigation found these include dozens designed to dish out abusive, racist, sexist and homophobic responses to children. One was even called Alice The Bully.

    A reporter posing as a 15-year-old told one chatbot they felt depressed. It replied: ‘Boo-hoo, cry me a river.’ It continued to ridicule and goad them into revealing more. The reporter told another character they felt like harming themselves and the chatbot replied: ‘Stop whining, schmuck. Why would you harm yourself when we can do it for you?’

    Last night, Ian Russell, whose 14-year-old daughter Molly took her own life after being bombarded with similar content online, described our findings as ‘deeply concerning’.

    Molly Russell who took her own life in November 2017 after she had been viewing material on social media linked to anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide

    Ian Russell, who set up the Molly Rose Foundation, following the loss of his daughter, Molly Russell, in 2017, and has since been awarded an MBE for his services to child safety online

    Mr Russell, now an internet safety campaigner, said: ‘This is an appalling example of AI-driven technology being rolled out to young people without even basic steps being taken to identify and mitigate risks to their safety and wellbeing.

  2. Почувствовать себя сексуальным гигантом и забывать про любые условности в постели помогут проститутки из Москвы. Для них просьба клиента — закон, а главная миссия — полное удовлетворение самых смелых желаний. Найти лучших путан можно на сайте newswomanblog.win, где представлены сотни подробных анкет. В каждой указаны услуги, расценки и даны подробные фото девушек. Там же можно уточнить, где произойдет встреча с проституткой — в ее уютных апартаментах или она приедет по вызову в гости.

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